Daily Announcements
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Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Coffee with Kids - February 7th from 8:45-9:15 am at Richland #44 Elementary School. It's national "Send a card to a friend day." Guests should bring an address for a friend (or family member) and write a note to them. *Post Cards and postage will be provided!
Click here for this year's Elementary Music Programs
Jr/Sr High School
The Career Fair will take place next Wednesday, the 12th, during the first through third hours.
1st hour: 11th and 12th graders
2nd hour: 9th and 10th graders
3rd hour: 7th and 8th graders.
The Votech tour for 10th graders is scheduled for tomorrow from 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM.
There will be a FFA Chapter meeting today during Flex.
This week, consider taking a moment to hold the door open for others. It’s a small act that has the power to brighten someone's day!
High School Track practice begins on Monday, March 3rd. All physicals, concussion forms, and acknowledgement of risk forms need to be turned in before the first day of practice.
Junior High Track practice begins on March 24th.
Parents and students who are not already signed up for the remind code, please do so. @coltstf
Spring Trap League - Registration begins February 4th and closes on March 24th at Noon for students in 6th-12th grade. Cost is $40 and is not affiliated with the school's athletic fees. Students must have Hunter's Safety Education completed prior to registration closing. For anyone interested in registering or have any additional questions, contact Alexis - 701-866-2342 or alexisanne.peltier@gmail.com,
DeeAnn Gorder – 701.640.3965 or deeanngorder@gmail.com, or
Remind App Code: @clay44
Upcoming Games:
Friday, February 7 vs Northern Cass, 4:30 pm
Saturday, February 8 - Tournament @ Hankinson
Monday, February 10 vs Tri-State, 4:30 pm
Thursday, February 6 @ Edgeley, JV - 6:00 pm, Varsity - 7:30 pm
Tuesday, February 11 @ Hillsboro, JV - 6:00 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Friday, February 7 @ Maple River, JV - 5:30 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, February 11 vs Barnes County North, JV - 5:30 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Foundation - Wednesday, February 5 at 5:00 pm in the HS Board Room
School Board - Wednesday, February 12 at 5:30 pm
Dollars for Scholars - Wednesday, February 12 at 5:45 pm
Coltbackers - Wednesday, February 19 at 5:30 in the New Commons
PTO - Wednesday, February 19 @ 7:00 in the Old Commons
Music Parents - Wednesday, February 26 @ 5:30 pm in the music room
Job Openings - access to all job openings and more information is on our website.
Part-time custodian (elementary school)
Part-time custodian (Jr/Sr HS)
Substitute Teachers- $130/day plus School Lunch
Thank you to everyone for purchasing calendar raffle tickets! We did sell out, we appreciate the support for our students!!
February 1 -- Brian Zajac $50
February 2 -- Kristi Wagner $100
February 3 -- Aaron Schulz $30
February 4-- Tom Frankl $30
Help needed Saturday for PTO basketball tourney --
Our Colts Classic 5/6 grade boys basketball tournament is this weekend! Please consider helping us with a pan of bars, some taco meat, or pitching in for a few hours. We are grateful for your support! Please sign up here:
Registration for BIO Girls - Abercrombie-Colfax is open.
Program ages: girls in grades 2-6 who are willing to make the 12 week commitment to the program.
Weekly lessons consist of life-skills: relationship building, mental health awareness, confidence boosting, and physical activity.
Registration is first come, first serve.
Important Program Dates:
Start Date: 02/18/2025
Finale Date: 05/10/2025
End Date: 05/13/2025
Meeting Day/Time: Tuesdays from 5:30PM - 7:00PM
Where: Our Savior's Lutheran Church - ColfaxQuestions, contact: abercrombie.nd@biogirls.org
Coltbackers is again offering Game Sponsorships for both the Girls and Boys Basketball Seasons at $50 per event. Sign up for your sponsorship here. This is your chance to honor your favorite athlete/team or promote your business. Sponsor details and a photo of the sponsored athlete or business logo will be printed in the program and shared on the big screen. It will also be posted on our Facebook page and announced before the event. All proceeds directly support Richland #44 Athletics. Limited home games and spots available. Questions - email Kendra.l.dockter@k12.nd.us
The Junior Class and Close Up members are seeking community donations of taco meat for the basketball season. If you're able to help, please sign up here.
Richland Career Fair will be on February 12th from 8:25-11:03. This is for businesses and/or Colleges to sign up to be a part of the fair and show off their career or college! If you are interested in being a part of the career fair, please fill out this Application Form.