Daily Announcements

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Thursday, March 6, 2025

No School - March 7-14 - Spring Break

School resumes on Monday, March 17


  • Reading Month Dress Up Days:

    • March 17 - Wear Green

    • March 21 - Wear your favorite team's Baseball jersey, t-shirt, or team colors

    • March 28 - Wear PJ's and bring a blanket to snuggle with

    • April 4 - Wear your favorite shirt that can be read.

    • April 11 - Wear your favorite baseball cap.

  • Missoula Children's Theater at Richland Elementary - Richland PTO is bringing back the MCT for elementary students in 2025. This year's production will be Pinocchio. All K-6 students are invited to try out on the first day for the 50-60 spots available. Keep an eye out for permission slips sent home. If your student is interested, please reserve the week of April 7-11 after school for rehearsals and the performances on Saturday, April 12.

  • Way to go elementary students!  PTO printed more Fun Night raffle tickets, so if you'd like to sell more over spring break, please contact the office today to get more books so you have them before the long break. Please turn in any ticket stubs and money that you've already sold to the office. Thank you for your hard work!  

    Students who are done selling Fun Night raffle tickets:  please return any unsold tickets to the office as soon as possible, along with any sold ticket stubs and money.  

  • 5th/6th Grade BOYS BASKETBALL: 

    • Upcoming game - Tuesday, March 18 @ Maple River (Tower City), 4:30 pm

    • Coltbackers will again be offering button pics for our athletes!  If you would like to order button pics from Coltbackers ($3/ea), please order HERE.  Pictures will be taken on Thursday, March 6 starting at 2:50pm.  Be sure to send your child’s uniform to school this day.  Scherlings order forms will be sent home with the athletes.  Please send order forms to school with the students to give to the photographer (or place the order online).  

  • We are looking for 2-3 people to sell pop, popcorn, and candy for the 5th/6th grade boys basketball games held at the high school. If you can help, please sign up here.

Jr/Sr High School

  • Congratulations to Genevieve Ulven for being chosen as Richland #44 March Rotary Student of the Month.

  • SENIORS:  Class picture will be taken on THURSDAY, March 20th at 9:30am. PLEASE be sure to be in attendance that morning and plan appointments accordingly!! Senior shirts are in the office and will be handed out that morning. If you would like the shirt ahead of time for planning purposes, contact Kendra. 

  • Upcoming Activities:

    • Boys Golf starts on April 7th. All participants will need to have a physical form turned into the office before the first day of practice.

    • Speech Meet - Saturday, March 8 @ Oakes

    • Spring Trap League - Registration closes on March 24th at Noon for students in 6th-12th grade. Cost is $40 and is not affiliated with the school's athletic fees. Students must have Hunter's Safety Education completed prior to registration closing. For anyone interested in registering or have any additional questions, contact Alexis - 701-866-2342 or alexisanne.peltier@gmail.com,

      DeeAnn Gorder – 701.640.3965 or deeanngorder@gmail.com, or

      Remind App Code: @clay44

    • Track:

      • Upcoming Meet: Varsity - Saturday, March 15 @ Concordia, 10:00 am

      • Junior High Track practice begins on March 24th.

      • Coltbackers will again be offering button pics for our athletes!  If you would like to order button pics from Coltbackers ($3/ea), please order HERE.  

        Scherlings order forms will be sent home with the athletes.  Please send order forms to school with the students to give to the photographer (or place the order online).  Pictures start at 4:00pm.  High School Track:  Thursday, March 6th – starting at 4pm     Junior High Track: Monday, April 7 – starting at 3:45pm

      • Parents and students who are not already signed up for the remind code, please do so. @coltstf


  • State of the Facilities 

    Parents, community members and stakeholders are invited to attend a presentation that will focus on facilities and an upcoming vote to increase our building levy authority to 20 mills (currently at 10 mills). It will take place Tuesday March 25 at 6 pm at the high school in the east "old" gym.

  • Meetings

  • Foundation - Monday, March 17 at 12:00 pm in the HS Board Room

  • School Board - Wednesday, March 19 at 5:30 pm

  • Coltbackers - Wednesday, March 19 at 5:30 in the New Commons

  • PTO - Wednesday, March 19th at 7 p.m. via ZOOM

  • Dollars for Scholars - TBD

  • Music Parents - Thursday, March 20th 5:30pm

Job Openings - access to all job openings and more information is on our website

  • Part-time custodian (elementary school)

  • Part-time custodian (Jr/Sr HS)

  • Substitute Teachers- $130/day plus School Lunch


  • All you can eat Fish Fry - Friday, March 7 from 4:30pm-7:30pm. Fish, Cheesy Hashbrowns, Baked Beans, and Coleslaw. Adults: $20, Kids 6-12: $10 and Kids 5 and under: Free. Put on by the Abercrombie Community Club.

  • Coltbackers is excited to announce a Colt Buddies VB Skill Camp will start this spring for girls in grades 2-6.  Run by experienced elementary and varsity level coaches, the program is for girls eager to learn or enhance their volleyball skills. The program focuses on fundamental skills such as passing, setting and serving.  Additionally, older players will receive instruction on proper hitting techniques.  

    Dates:  March 22, March 29, April 5, and April 12

    Cost:  $50 per player (includes a participant shirt)

    Registration and additional information:  https://forms.gle/vnYVWMYCsqikgJjK6
    Registration deadline:  March 17 
    Email confirmations will be sent out the week of March 17 with additional details, but if you have questions: Contact Carma DeVillers - richlandyouthvb@gmail.com

  • Missoula Children's Theater and Richland #44 PTO presents Pinocchio (performed by Richland Elementary Students) on Saturday, April 12 at 3:00 pm and 5:50 pm at Richland #44 High School. Tickets are available at the door: $10 for Adults, $5 for students, age 5 and under are free. Concessions will be available.