Daily Announcements
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Friday, December 20, 2024
Winter Break - NO SCHOOL - December 23 - January 3
School Resumes Monday, January 6, 2025
Click here for this year's Elementary Music Programs
Jr/Sr High School
Upcoming Games:
Varsity Holiday Shoot Out @ Richland #44 High School. There will be GATE admission for all spectators. This event falls outside the Activities for All parameters of “regular events”. Adults $7 / Students $4.
Friday, December 27
Game 1 - Richland vs South Border - 1:30pm
Game 2 - Wahpeton C vs Park River - 20 minutes after the conclusion of the first game.
Saturday, December 28
Game 1 - Richland vs Park River - 1:30 pm
Game 2 - South Border vs Wahpeton C - 20 minutes after the conclusion of the first game.
Thursday, January 2 @ Hankinson, JV - 5:30 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Friday, December 20 vs LaMoure/Litchville-Marion, JV - 5:30 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Friday, December 27 vs North Border-Wallhalla @ Hatton-Northwood High School, 12:30 pm
Saturday, December 28 @ Hatton-Northwood High School, 6:00 pm
Friday, January 3 vs Sisseton, JV - 6:00 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Foundation - Wednesday, January 8 at 5:00 pm in the HS Board Room
School Board - Wednesday, January 15 at 5:30 pm
Coltbackers - Wednesday, January 15 at 5:30 in the New Commons
PTO - Wednesday, January 15 @ 7 p.m. via ZOOM, Meeting ID: 511 463 1558 Passcode: 44COLTS44
Music Parents - Tuesday, January 28 at 5:30 pm in the Music Room
Dollars for Scholars - Wednesday, February 12 at 5:45 pm
Job Openings - access to all job openings and more information is on our website.
Jr/Sr HS paraprofessional
Part-time custodian (elementary school)
Part-time custodian (Jr/Sr HS)
Substitute Teachers -
$130/day plus School Lunch
The School Store, managed by Richland #44 PTO
In-person Sales:
Find us in the new commons from 5 to 7:30p
Find us in the new commons from 1 to 2:30p
***Check the Richland PTO's Facebook page for announcements on when and where the store will be available in person.***
Order online:
Place your order through our Cheddar Up platform
Items can be picked up at the high school office on Fridays, or they can be sent home with a high school student. You will receive a text notification when your items are ready.
Colt Buddies Basketball Skills Programming Winter Session Registration NOW OPEN!
Winter Sessions: Saturdays: January 18, February 1, 15, 22.
Registration Due by January 10.
Click here to register and get additional information: COLT BUDDIES BASKETBALL
Coltbackers is again offering Game Sponsorships for both the Girls and Boys Basketball Seasons at $50 per event. Sign up for your sponsorship here.
All proceeds directly support Richland #44 Athletics. Limited home games and spots available. Questions - email Kendra.l.dockter@k12.nd.us
The Junior Class and Close Up members are looking for donations for taco meat from the community for the basketball season. Please sign up here.
Richland Career Fair will be on February 12th from 8:25-11:03. This is for businesses and/or Colleges to sign up to be a part of the fair and show off their career or college! If you are interested in being a part of the career fair, please fill out this Application Form.